- 20 Things To Look For In A Christian Mate
- Adventist Singles Do Mission (Adventist Review)
When people hear the term “Adventist Singles,” many think of socializing, dating, searching for a life partner. But Adventist Singles involves more than that. It’s also about mission. - Confessions of A (Still) Single Pastor (Adventist Review)
- The Hard Truth About Mr. Right (Christianity Today)
- If I Could Do It All Over Again (Psychology Today)
- So, You’re Single… (Atlantic Union Gleaner)
Pastor John M. Scott talks about the positive aspects of being single and offers advice and encouragement.

8 Single Principles
What are the keys to starting and growing a ministry that reaches singles? A panel of singles' pastors agreed that every singles' ministry—small or large—is based on 8 specific principles. by Brian…